This Is My Truth


Photo by : Francesco Sambati
Image source : Link

    From reading all of my classmates' blog posts, my posts and opinions about the picture are emotionally based compared to my classmates. Most of my classmate's blog post is also very similar to mine where the mention of tears and grieving is mentioned and the use of black and white in the photo. They are posts from my classmates that stand out to me the most: Derell Wilson, Marco Dasso, and Jenar Harrison posts. These posts when I read them instead of being an emotional statement seem more oIntellectually. In their post even though tears were mentioned like in every post that I have read instead of talking about their emotions and how they feel looking at the picture I feel as if their blog post is picking apart the picture and talking about it in a way where you feel like they know about the backstory differently than we do. I feel like their post is more of them learning about the picture than talking about the picture. I think that I feel that way because of the way they word their sentence for example " The tears to me represent a level of sorrow and sadness for Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his passing. The tears also symbolized to me the struggle and sacrifice this Chief Petty Officer has had to endure to get to the position and right where he is and its society that was still grappling with race relations. " this sentence from Darell Wilson feels more intellectually than this sentence " As you can see in the back there are other people crying as well or sad. This makes me believe that they are at a funeral and celebrating the life of a lost member. " from Abby Clark. I'm not saying that one is better than another but the way they describe grief in their sentences talking and expressing tears you can see the difference when reading them.

    I feel more confident knowing the truth because no matter what the truth is, good or bad. It is a reliving feeling that you get when you aren't in the dark or something is unknown to you. I feel better after reading the articles and knowing what the photo is supposed to portray because I feel like how a person looks at one picture and has so many opinions on it depending on their culture and belief, for example, Abby Clark Truth's picture about the surgery. the picture of the surgery looks concerning but after reading the article we know that the surgery was a success and it makes people feel relieved after reading the article. Another intresting example would be Kayla Mooney's blog about the man who photo-shops himself to look like he goes on a Europe trip for a social experience. I think it is interesting because people just believe everything they see on social media nowadays without doing more research so reading the article and seeing what the story is can change the way you see things.

Photo by : Stephen Power
Image source : Link

    I feel like reading everyone's examples really opened up my mind, the examples that everyone chose for their Truth and Not True are very intresting and very unique, I don't see the same picture twice everything is so personalized. One thing that I think goes unnoticed about my blog post is the way I write out my blog post. A lot of people that I have come in contact with say that I write or text like the way I speak in person. I didn't really think much of it until I saw the way Darrel Wilson worded his blog post and I think it looked very professional and can be helpful in my career life. From seeing my classmate's post I feel like my opinions on things align with theirs but also, the picture that was chosen for this assignment is very strong in emotions which is why I and my classmate have the same emotional feelings towards the picture but I love to read their opinion on the same picture, I feel like it opened my mind to like another side of the things I would never think of until I read their post for example "  I see a man whos mourning the lives that were lost. Whether it be his comrades or relatives. He holds in his hands an instrument that symbolizes his time spent with others " from Michael Mendez. I wouldn't have thought of the instrument until he mentioned it.

Photo by : Gitty Image 
Image source : Link


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